In line with the powers conferred on the Securities and Exchange Commission “SEC” “the Commission” by Section 13 of the Investment and Securities Act, 2007, the Commission recently issued a Statement on Digital Assets And Their Classification and Treatment “the Statement” to now regulate crypto-token or crypto-coin investments when the character of the investments qualifies as securities transactions.
CBN ISSUES REVISED GUIDELINES FOR PAYMENT SERVICE BANKS On 27 August 2020, The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) released the revised Guidelines for Licensing and Regulation of Payment Service Banks (PSBs) in Nigeria ( the Revised Guidelines) to update the 2018 Guidelines for Licensing and Regulation of Payment Service Banks (PSBs) in Nigeria (the 2018
The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC or the Commission) pursuant to the provisions of Section 28 of the Electric Power Sector Reform Act (“EPSRA” or the “Act”) issued guidelines to provide regulatory guidance to distribution and trading licensees in filing applications to NERC for the collection of Competition Transition Charge (CTC ) “the Guideline”. What
Fintech have emerged to offer operational services to Banks and other financial institutions, and the public. Our focus in this article however shall be on switches as a payment service provider Operation Of Fintech Companies FinTech companies basically operate as Payments System Providers that offe-3 3 of any or all the following services: a) Switches; b)
The world is relying on digital platforms to survive. A company/person could be found liable in damages to a wider number of people that rely on its digital services. We have outlined a few cases involving some aspects of digital platforms to help you mitigate your risks as you embrace technology in all your operations
AI Solutions in Africa- Who Watches The Technocrats? The Fourth Industrial Revolution is all about technology aiding development. Africa’s financial service is currently being disrupted by Financial Technology service providers (Fintechs) but it is inevitable that all sectors will be invaded by AI solutions to simplify services and ensure all round efficiency. All African countries
April 23, 2019 Tonbofa Ashimi and Thelma Ekiyor Development financing is a huge source of financing today. International organisations are seeking to give grants to African Non Governmental Organisations “NGOs” to help meet the basic needs of Africans ranging from women empowerment to energising communities. There has been a surge in establishment of NGOs
Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission Regulation On National Content Webmaster See Full Bio
Regulatory Compliance For Nigerian Private& Public Companies, Business Enterprises And Incorporation Trustees