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  • Everyday, personal data or information are shared, these data reveal sensitive personal information that can be exploited. It is therefore important to protect these data and regulate the way data is used. Authorities through laws and regulations are taking bold steps to protect data of citizens and impose sanctions for data breach. Wondering how to […]

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  • The amended Court of Appeal Rules 2021 comes in time to suit the changing clime our Judicial system in Nigeria is going through.  We have highlighted the salient changes in this article. Read more

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  • The Federal High Court recently ruled that the Federal Government is not empowered to make tax laws in relation to VAT, withholding tax, education tax and technology tax . The constitution does not allow the Federal Government to make tax laws outside the taxation of incomes, profits, and capital gains. Read More

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  • ZIMBABWE: Solgas Energy commissions its 5 MWp Cross Mabale solar power plant Renewable energy producer Solgas Energy is commissioning its Cross Mabale solar power plant in the northern Matabeleland province. The plant, which is connected to the Zimbabwean national grid, has a capacity of 5 MWp. A solar photovoltaic power plant goes into commercial operation […]

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